Rheumatology is a clinical discipline, part of the internal medicine, which is dedicated to the prophylaxis, diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of rheumatic diseases.
These clinical entities can be grouped into several categories (with main representatives from each group):
- Systemic connective tissue diseases (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, vasculitis, dermato/polymyositis, etc.);
- Inflammatory joint diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, etc.);
- Degenerative joint diseases (arthrosis);
- Crystal arthropathies (gout);
- Metabolic bone diseases (osteoporosis);
- Fibromyalgia.
Some of these conditions are autoimmune and/or systemic in nature. Thus, with the progression of the disease all organs or systems can be eventually involved and/or affected.

For these reasons, rheumatology is closely related to many other medical specialties such as immunology, dermatology, orthopedics, as well as to all other branches of internal medicine.
Normally, the rheumatological consultation begins with a conversation with the patient, during which the main reason for the visit, the duration and nature of the symptoms, the degree of clinical manifestation, etc. are specified.

After that, a clinical examination of the patient is usually carried out, which includes examination of the affected joint areas and surrounding soft tissues, examination by systems, and when necessary, taking a neurological status.
In certain cases, an ultrasound examination of the affected joint areas, swollen glands and/or specific blood vessels is indicated. Through this harmless modern examination, the degree of damage, the age of the process, the presence of abnormal vascularization, etc. are assessed and specified.
The ultrasound examination of the joints by a rheumatologist at MC MARKOVS is performed by high-class ultrasound equipment - a guarantee of quality and diagnostic value of the information obtained.
If necessary, additional imaging and laboratory tests are appointed.
This is followed by the preparation of a treatment-diagnostic plan with the prescription of treatment, recommendations for movement and dietary regime, appointment of physiotherapy procedures if needed, etc.
For more information about the possibility of consultation with a specialist rheumatologist at MC MARKOVS, you can contact your doctor or call the center.