Prof. Donka Baykova, Ph.D.
Since 2022Consultant, Nutrition and dietetics, MC MARKOVS, Sofia
2000-2022Consultant, Nutrition and dietetics, MC MARKOVS, Sofia
1996-2000Consultant, Nutrition and dietetics, MC St.Sofia, Sofia
2012-2020Head, Department of Preventive Medicine, Health and Medical Sciences, MU Sofia
2009-2012Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Health and Medical Sciences, MU Sofia
1989-1993Head, Department of Food Reception, National Food and Agriculture Organization, Sofia
1981-1989Head of the Nutrition Physiology Scientific Section, National Institute of Nutrition, Sofia
2002-2009Senior research assistant II, Laboratory of Nutrition and Public Health, National Institute of Health, Sofia
1993-2002Head, Nutrition Laboratory, National Food and Agriculture Organization, Sofia
2009Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Health and Medical Sciences, MU Sofia
1991Senior research associate II degree, Associated Professor, National Institute of Health Sciences, Sofia
1981Medical specialty Nutrition and dietetics, MU Sofia
1981Educational and scientific degree "Philosophy doctor"
Ph.D. Thesis: "Biological value of proteins"
1977-1981Ph.D. student, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Sofia
1975Master of Medicine, Medical Faculty, MU Sofia
1968Wilhelm Pick German Language High School, Burgas - gold medal
Academic activity
2005-2020Supervisor - 14 Ph.D. students, 40 graduate students and reviewer of participants in competitions for scientific degrees and titles
2013-2020Chairman of the General Assembly, FOZ, MU Sofia
Since 2012Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine, FOZ, MU Sofia
Scientific activity - international projects
2008European project, Increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables in children from 3 to 7 years of age from kindergartens, National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health
2006-2013European project, Women without osteoporosis, Ministry of Health
2006-2009European project, Control of genetically modified foods, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Ministry of Health
2005-2009UNICEF project, Study of the nutrition of infants and young children up to 5 years of age and their upbringing in the family, NCOSHA, Ministry of Health
2002-2009European project, SINDI, NCSOZA, Ministry of Health
1996Head, European Project, Multicenter Study of Iron Deficiency Anemias in Women of Pre-fertile Age, National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health
Scientific activity - national projects
2002 - 2020National project, Development of nutrition manuals with collections of recipes for different population groups, Ministry of Health
2020Collection of recipes and guide for healthy eating for children from 3 to 7 years of age, Sofia
2012Collection of recipes for school chairs and buffets, Sofia
2008Recommendations for healthy nutrition of children 3-6 years old in Bulgaria, National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health
2008Recommendations for healthy eating of students aged 7-19 years in Bulgaria, National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health
2006Recommendations for a healthy diet of the population in Bulgaria /18-65 years/, National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health
2004Project Manager, National Monitoring of the Nutrition of the Population in Bulgaria, National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health
2004Collection of recipes with a nutrition guide for children from 3 to 7 years of age, Sofia
2002Collection of recipes for school chairs and sideboards, Sofia
Teaching activity
1991-2020Lecturer, Postgraduate education, Head of thematic courses for specialists, doctors, pharmacists, medical specialists in Nutrition and dietetics, Functional foods and nutritional supplements; Current problems in the prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases; Nutrition of pregnant women; Nutritional requirements for sports; Techniques for consulting on healthy and dietary nutrition; Healthy nutrition of children and adolescents
2009-2020Lecturer - Therapeutic nutrition, Epidemiology of health, Epidemiology of chronic non-infectious diseases, Health promotion, Nutrition - a key element in European programs, Health and Medical Sciences, Sofia
Since 1998Member of the Balkan Medical Union
Since 1996Member of the International Association of Obesity (IAO)
Since 1996Member of the Bulgarian Association for Obesity and Associated Diseases
Since 1988Member of the Board of the Scientific Society for Nutrition and Dietetics
Since 1992Member of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS)
Since 1985Member of the Nutrition Section "Asen Zlatarov" at the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
Scientific works
Over 500 scientific publications in Bulgarian and foreign scientific publications
Over 300 participations in congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars
Over 300 reports and presentations presented
Author of textbook chapters, co-author of collections, manuals and guides
Monograph "How to lose weight without being hungry?", 2003
Participation in qualification courses and specializations
2017Thematic course, Genetically modified foods, WHO, Sofia, Bulgaria
2005International Course, Food Additives and Novel Foods, WHO, Brussels, Belgium
2004International course, Recommendations for healthy nutrition of the population, WHO, Budapest, Hungary
1998Training course - FDA / USA, Expert evaluation of dairy products, Plovdiv
1997International Course, Development of Guidelines for Healthy Eating and Nutrition Education, WHO, Nitra, Slovakia
1996International Course, Environment - Health, WHO, Balaton, Hungary
1995International 3-module course, Methods in Nutritional Epidemiology, WHO, Kyiv, Ukraine
1986Individual specialization, Physiological norms for population nutrition, Potsdam, Dresden, Zwickau, Berlin, Germany
Author's certificates
1997Patent certificate, Patent Office, Bulgaria
1981Author's certificate of rationalization, Patent Office, Bulgaria
1983-1984Copyright certificates for inventions, Patent Office, Bulgaria
Honors and awards
2015Golden Panacea Award for overall scientific and educational activity, Sofia University
2012The Doctors We Trust, in 24 hours
1986First prize, Scientific report, Conference of TNTM, MU Sofia
1985First prize, Scientific Paper, Conference of Young Scientists, Moscow, Russia
1968Gold medal, German language high school, Burgas
German, English and Russian language