Pediatrics is a clinical specialty that includes the specific medical care of infants, children, and adolescents up to the age of 18.
The word pediatrics and its cognates mean "doctor of children", derived from the two Greek words: παῖς (pais "child") and ἰατρός (iatros "physician, healer").
Pediatricians are medical specialists who diagnose, treat, and provide medical care for infants, children, and adolescents.
They are responsible for the proper management and prevention of your children, as well as for providing accurate and professional guidance for providing adequate pediatric care.
Pediatricians are the only doctors who are authorized to treat your child's illnesses, as well as to assess their physical, mental, and behavioral development.
Along with the specialties Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, and Internal Medicine, Pediatrics represents one of the four main pillars of medical knowledge.

The examination in the field of pediatrics is carried out in the presence of one of the two parents, in certain steps that are closely related and interdependent:

- Patient history - in the form of a simple conversation, the pediatrician will ask you (and the child, if possible) about the problem and the reasons for consultation. A certain part of the patient history is called premorbid and is related to the events during pregnancy and childbirth. In a number of cases, this may be related to the specific reason for the visit. The other part of the anamnesis includes a detailed description of the child's current complaints, as well as some specific questions that you may have as parents;
- Objective status - your pediatrician will thoroughly examine the child and will ask specific questions regarding his or her objective clinical condition;
- Finally, the pediatrician will provide a solution, advice or guidelines for therapeutic management related to the specific problem.
- Additionally, in some specific cases it will be necessary to perform some small manipulations - treatment of the wound surface, administration of a vaccine or medication, blood sampling, etc.
Pediatrics is one of the most extensive medical specialties and each pediatrician approaches each patient individually due to the specifics of their work.
At MC MARKOVS you can ask any questions in the field of pediatrics that concern you and your child, and without a doubt you will receive the necessary attention and highly qualified professional care.
For more information about the possibilities for scheduling an examination by a specialist pediatrician, you can contact your doctor or call MC MARKOVS.