Imaging Diagnostics
Diagnostic imaging is a medical specialty that uses various physical methods and techniques to obtain images of various areas and organs of the human body.
In this way, information is obtained about the normal anatomy and development of the area under study, the presence of pathological processes in it, etc.
Diagnostic imaging originated after the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Roentgen and the taking of the first X-ray at the end of the 19th century.
Since then, this medical specialty has undergone tremendous development and nowadays, with the help of technology, increasingly detailed and high-quality images are offered, significantly assisting the diagnostic process.
Modern diagnostic imaging has long been not only radiology and has many subdivisions depending on the physical energy and principle of obtaining the images.

Currently, the specialty includes:
- Conventional Radiology (X-rays);
- Ultrasound Imaging (Echography);
- Invasive and Interventional Imaging (Angiography, etc.);
- Computed Tomography - CT (Scanner);
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance).

Ultrasound imaging (ultrasound)
Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to obtain various images of organs and tissues. Since no electromagnetic waves are used, there is practically no radiation. For this reason, ultrasound is a widely used method in practice, which is applied without restrictions during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in childhood, etc.
In modern medicine, ultrasound is used to examine almost all organs of the human body: abdominal and pelvic organs, thyroid gland, cervical structures, breast, peripheral lymph nodes, joints, testicles, etc.
Due to its accessibility, this is usually the first imaging method in the diagnostic process.
Of importance for the informative value of the examination is both the experience of the specialist and the qualities of the ultrasound equipment used.
For more information about the possibilities of having an ultrasound examination by a specialist in imaging diagnostics, you can contact your doctor or call MC MARKOVS.