It is a privilige to be consulted by the leading expert in nutrition and dietetics in Bulgaria.
We are proud that Prof. Dr. Donka Baikova is part of our team.
The dynamic time in which we live in places even greater demands on our health and on the way we eat.
Everyone is talking about healthy eating habits and everyone is looking for a consultation with a specialist.
We are thrilled to have the best and most renowned nutritionist in Bulgaria in our team of specialists.

Prof. Baikova has helped thousands of patients in her professional career:

- To lose weight and optimize weight excess;
- To normalize underweight;
- To overcome eating disorders;
- To achieve a programmed increase or decrease in weight during pregnancy - prevention of health problems and perinatal outcome;
- To improve quality of life in chronic non-communicable disease - metabolic syndromes, type II diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, etc.;
- To supplement complex therapy with a dietary nutritional regimen in different oncological, autoimmune, gastrointestinal, renal, biliary-liver, pancreatic, cardiovascular diseases, etc.;
- To support recovery after severe illness or surgery.
At MC MARKOVS you will receive a professional consultation during which your nutritional status will be assessed. Consequently, you will be able to change effectively your everyday diet. Your treatment will be carefully monitored by Prof. Baykova and together "step by step" you will master and implement into your daily routine the principles of a balanced diet and lifestyle - the prerequisites for long-term sustainable health and good bio-tonus.
For more information you can contact your doctor at MC MARKOVS or call at the registration desk.