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Cardiology is a clinical medical specialty with a specific focus on diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Its main goal is providing highly qualified prevention, diagnosis, prognosis of evolution and implementation of specific treatment in patients with cardiovascular diseases.


The tasks of cardiology are related to the study of the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, the implementation of diagnostic procedures, treatment and prevention of congenital and acquired diseases of the heart and vessels, preparation for heart surgery, recognition and treatment of cardiovascular complications with cardiac or with other non-cardiac diseases, expert activity, etc.


The main heart diseases subject to the activity of cardiology are: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, heart failure, congenital heart anomalies, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary thromboembolism, pericarditis, myocarditis, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, etc.


The clinical symptoms that most often are associated with cardiovascular disease are:

  • Dyspnea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Chest pain;
  • Changes in heart rate and rhythm;
  • High blood pressure.

An examination by a cardiologist may be necessary even without the presence of any clinical symptoms.  


Such an examination is always indicated in cases of positive family history of cardiovascular diseases or in the presence of risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, in the beginning of a new training regime, etc.


По време на бременност често се отключват сърдечно-съдови заболявания като артериална хипертония, камерна екстрасистолия и дори кардиомиопатия. В подобни случаи е ноеобходимо внимателно проследяване в пренаталния период, включително и след раждането. При тези жени се наблюдава по-висок риск от сърдечно-съдови заболявания в по-късна възраст и след менопаузата.


Преди планиране на каквато и да е несърдечна хирургична операция се извършва консултация с кардиолог и електрокардиограма за оценка на общото състояние на пациента, риска от оперативната интервенция и даване на насоки на поведение по време и следоперативния период и анестезията.


Много често постковидния синдром е сързан със сърдечно-съдови прояви, което налага консултация, проследяване и лечение от кардиолог.



What does an examination with a cardiologist include?



In a conversation, the cardiologist learns about the patient's current complaints, past and accompanying diseases, risk factors, family history. A physical examination, measurement of arterial pressure, pulse, electrocardiography is performed. If necessary, an imaging study of the blood, large and peripheral vessels is performed. In some cases, long-term monitoring of heart activity and blood pressure is required.


Specific treatment is prescribed, practical advice on the control of cardiovascular disease, the patient's condition is monitored, referral for consultation with other specialists.


If necessary, the patient is referred for interventional cardiology, which includes cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, stenting, valvuloplasty (correction of heart defects), correction of congenital heart anomalies, or coronary thrombectomy. When a rhythm pathology is registered, the patient is referred for an electrophysiological examination or cardiac pacing.


Advice is given on lifestyle, physical activity, diet for the prevention and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.





During pregnancy, cardiovascular disease such as arterial hypertension, ventricular extrasystole and even cardiomyopathy is often triggered. In such cases, careful follow-up in the prenatal and postpartal period, is necessary. Women with high BMI are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease later in life and after menopause.


Before planning any non-cardiac surgical operation, a consultation by a cardiologist and an electrocardiogram is always performed in order to assess the general cardiovascular status of the patient, the overall risk of the surgical intervention and to outline guidelines for patient management during and after the operative period.


Quite often, the post-covid syndrome is associated with cardiovascular manifestations, which requires consultation, follow-up and treatment by a cardiologist.


In the form of an outpatient care at MC MARKOVS, you can have a consultation and examination by a highly qualified specialist in cardiology, to perform an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography (echoCG), etc. If necessary, you can be assigned and perform a Holter ECG and Holter arterial pressure monitoring at home, with equipment lended to you (and owned by MC MARKOVS). Based on that information, a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment plan of behavior will be made according to your specific case.


For more information about the possibilities of an examination and consultation by a specialist cardiologist at MC MARKOVS, you can contact your doctor or call at the registration desk.