Aesthetic Gynecology
Treatment with PB serum
Белезите на кожата (цикатриксите) се получават в резултат на хирургична намеса или трамва и представляват структурно изменена област, вследствие на естествен оздравителен процес.
Същестуват различни методи за премахването на белези - естетична хирургия, лазерни процедури и др. Относително отскоро в практиката се използва и нов иновативен метод - инжекционната терапия с рекомбинантни ензими.
Scars result from surgery or trauma and represent a structurally altered area of the skin as a result of a natural healing process.
There are various methods for scar removal - aesthetic surgery, laser procedures, etc. Recently, a new innovation for scar removal has been implemented into clinical practice - injection therapy with recombinant enzymes.
Treatment with PB serum is the first therapeutic system based on recombinant enzymes, which includes the enzymes Collagenase, Lipase and Lyase (in different proportions). It represents one of the latest advances in biotechnology to treat and remove stubborn skin scars in an elegant way.
The enzymes in PB serum are used for scar treatment by supporting the anti-fibrotic effect of the hyaluronic acid. In addition, they reduce and eliminate amorphism, disorganization and dysfunction of the dermal collagen fibers, as well as they destroy the collagen walls of the fibrotic nodules.
They are suitable for the treatment of hypertrophic, atopic and keloid scars, as well as for the treatment and prevention of post-surgical fibrosis.
In the treatment of fat deposits, PB serum supports the anti-fibrotic effect of hyaluronic acid and stimulates lipid metabolism and breakdown of triglycerides. Simultaneously, the adipocyte volume in areas with excessive fat accumulation is also decreased.
PB serum is suitable for the treatment of fibrosis combined with fat accumulation (for example, in the area above the surgical cicatrix after Cesarean section, hysterectomy, etc.).
PB serum treatment is absolutely safe and 100% organic.
For more information about the possibility to perform an examination by an aesthetic gynecology specialist and to discuss the different treatment options for stubborn scars (cicatrix) removal at MC MARKOVS you can contact your doctor or call at the registration desk.