Selective feticide
Селективната редукция (известна още като селективен фетоцид) представлява инвазивна процедура, при която по една или друга причина се налага избирателно редуциране на броя на фетусите при многоплодна бременност.
Обикновено се извършва в ранните гестационни срокове - в първи или в началото на втори триместър (до 14 г.с.).
По-често е показана в случаите след ин витро оплождане, но при необходимост се прилага и при спонтанно настъпила многоплодна бременност.
Selective feticide (also known as selective reduction) is an invasive procedure in which, for one reason or another, the selective reduction of the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy is required. It is usually performed in the early stages of pregnancy - in the first or the beginning of the second trimester (up to 14 years old). It is more often indicated in cases after in vitro fertilization, but if necessary, it is also used in spontaneously occurring multiple pregnancies.
The main indications for carrying out selective feticide in multiple pregnancies at MC MARKOVS are:
- Discordance with regard to a certain structural, chromosomal or other genetic abnormality (discordance means that one twin is normal and the second has a given pathological condition - for example, Down's syndrome, a structural defect, etc.);
- Excessively high risk of premature birth (the risk increases proportionally with the increase in the number of fetuses - it is about 10% in a twin pregnancy, 35% in a triplet pregnancy, etc.) Risk of developing some complications specific to multiple pregnancy - feto-fetal transfusion syndrome, severe fetal growth retardation of one twin, etc.
- Selective feticide is performed through a needle through the abdomen of the pregnant woman under constant ultrasound control. It is specified in advance which of the fetuses will be reduced. This is done through an ultrasound examination, and if necessary, after conducting an invasive prenatal diagnosis. In the course of the manipulation, a drug is injected into the heart of the fetus, which leads to its final stoppage.
The procedure is relatively painless, does not require specific preparation, is carried out within a few minutes and carries practically no risk for the mother.
After selective feticide, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases between 7 and 12%, depending on the indications for performing the manipulation, the number of reduced fetuses, as well as the gestation period. For this reason, it is performed only after a signed written informed consent from the pregnant woman.
For more information about the possibility of performing a selective feticide at MC MARKOVS, you can contact your doctor or call at the registration desk.