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Clinical Gynecology

Hormone replacement therapy

Menopause is the time after the last menstruation, which is determined by the dropping out of the normal endocrine ovarian function.


In most women, it occurs after the age of around 50.


A number of problems related to the lost ovarian function are triggered in the menopause - neurovegetative (hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, etc.), psycho-emotional (depression, anxiety), urogenital atrophy, skin changes, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, increased cardiovascular risk etc.


Climacteric complaints significantly worsen a woman's quality of life. These changes are induced by hormone deficiency (mainly estrogens), which is why they are best  treated by hormone replacement therapy (HRT).


The main principles you should follow when choosing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are:

  • There is a wide variety of medications used for HRT purposes;
  • Your doctor assesses individually for you what is the optimal combination of hormones and what is the preferred form of administration;
  • In addition to benefits, HRT is associated with certain risks and side effects. Therefore, it is advisable to use the minimum effective dose for the shortest possible treatment period;
  • There are also alternatives to HRT such as phytoestrogen treatment.

We offer to all our patients at MC MARKOVSthe full range of consultations regarding the method of choice for hormone replacement therapy in a comfortable environment by highly qualified healthcare specialists. Various alternatives will be discussed and offered to you and you will learn about the benefits and possible risks associated with their use.


For more information you can contact your doctor at MC MARKOVS or call at the registration desk.