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Clinical Gynecology

Clinical Gynecology


Hysterosonography is a method in which some sterile fluid is introduced into the uterine cavity using a special catheter placed through the cervical canal under constant ultrasound guidance.


The fluid introduced into the uterus spreads out the walls of the uterine cavity. Thus, it significantly improves the ultrasound assessment of the contour of the uterine mucosa.


In this way, the diagnosis of lesions in the uterine cavity (polyps, myoma nodes, adhesions, hyperplasia, tumor formations) is facilitated.


Hysterosonography is performed in an outpatient setting on a gynecological chair.


It does not require special preparation and takes no more than 5-10 minutes. It is associated with minimal discomfort and does not disrupt the patient's routine daily activities. The amount of fluid (sterile saline solution) inserted into the uterine cavity is extremely small, usually not more than 5-10 ml. The procedure is performed under constant ultrasound guidance.


The most common indications for performing a hysterosonography are:

  • Suspicion of endometrial polyp or submucosal myoma (fibroid);
  • Genital bleeding of unknown origin;
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant (sub-/infertility);
  • Evaluation of an intrauterine lesion detected by ultrasound.

Contraindications for performing hysterosonography are suspicion of an inflammatory process in the small pelvis or pregnancy.


For more information about the necessity and possibility of performing hysterosonography at MC MARKOVS, you can contact your doctor or call at the registration desk.